Les Couleurs Poster A2 size with 4 A4 worksheets ar the rear.
Les nombres 1- 20 poster A2 size with 4 A4 worksheets at the rear.
Los Animales poster, A2 size, 420mm x 594mm with 4 A4 worksheets at the rear.
Los Colores poster, A2 size, 420mm x594mm with 4 A4 worksheets at the rear.
Los colores y las formas poster, 560mm x 436mm
Los meses del año poster, 560mm x 436mm
Los números poster, 560mm x 436mm with 4A4 worksheets at the rear.
Los Números poster, A2 size 420mm x 594mm with 4 A4 worksheets at the rear.
A3 poster. Pequeñas palabras útiles en español.