This small (17X22cm) copy book with large squares (French style) and has a partition in the middle so it can be used for two different subjects/areas. 96 pages
This is a collection of short stories, poems, novels on the theme of Christmas selected especially for a young audience.
ISBN 9782738225404
ISBN 978-2-508-01112-2
The famous Snow White and the seven dwarfs in French and illustrated. ISBN 978-2-508-00948-8
This book illustrated is a story about a writer at Christmas time and what happens when he meets Father Christmas. The French is suitable for students in their third year of French.
ISBN 9782742719266
This illustrated book is suitable for beginners French. The language is easily understandable and is helped wih the drawings for each keyword of the story.
ISBN 978-2-508-01011-8
ISBN 978-2-508-00947-1
Author: Lewis Carroll – Tony Ross
Publisher: Bayard jeunesse
ISBN: 9782747032810
Author: Nicolas Guerrero
Publisher: Timée-Editions
ISBN: 9782354011062
ISBN: 9782354011369